23 November, 2022

The “Renaissance Effect” tour has ended: the effect lingers on

The success of “Renaissance Effect” The “Renaissance Effect” series of events dealing with architecture, which was sponsored by Oikos Venezia in collaboration with CASABELLA formazione, officially ended. On the 27th October 2022 the successful tour in which Oikos travelled across Italy reaching a number of locations of great cultural value came to an end. From […]
17 November, 2022

Skydoors – Vertical Horizons

Skydoors: the new line of coverings A new line of aluminium coverings, Skydoors has been launched: an important innovation in the world of entrance solutions. It is Oikos’s genuine response to the new needs regarding the entrance space. Skydoors urges you to dare to push higher towards the sky: a quest for verticality that marks, […]
30 September, 2022

Effetto Rinascimento, the autumn tour begins

Effetto Rinascimento, the autumn tour begins From 12 October, the tour of “Effetto Rinascimento”, an event supported by Oikos in collaboration with CASABELLA formazione, finally starts again. The first dates of the cycle of events held between spring and summer turned out to be a real success both in terms of participation and in terms […]
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