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26 Mai

The „Renaissance Effect“ series of events, sponsored by Oikos Venezia Srl in collaboration with CASABELLA formazione, kicks off on May 25.

A program featuring 11 stops in as many Italian cities, which will combine two different training and meeting moments. In fact, each evening will begin with a speech by an internationally renowned guest architect, will continue with a dining cocktail party in the selected exceptional locations, and will end with the theatrical performance „Renaissance Effect“, produced under the scientific supervision of centro aiku – Arte, Impresa, Cultura of the Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice and brought to the stage by La Piccionaia, theater company. The project stems from the choice of Oikos, a company representing made-in-Italy design and quality, to use the theatrical language to communicate the intangible and evocative dimension linked to its products and identity, with the ultimate goal of celebrating the cultural value of Italian manufacturing. „Four questions, starting with suggestions from The Four Books of Architecture by Andrea Palladio. Four ideas still able to let us question ourselves, five hundred years later. Four dreams narrated in the present and projected into the future, to put creativity, art, knowledge and memory into question, to inspire the construction of the future from our actions in the present“.

The first date of this project will be held on May 25 at the Oikos Venezia Srl headquarters in Via della Tecnica, 6 in Gruaro, Venice, and the show will be preceded by a meeting with architect Cino Zucchi, a contemporary histrion and interpreter of architecture, design and technology, who will talk about a selection of his projects.

Participation in the event is free of charge, with mandatory registration on the website


Here is the agenda of the event:

17.45 Participant registration

18.00 CINO ZUCCHI speech

19.30 Dining cocktail party

20.30 Theatrical performance „RENAISSANCE EFFECT“, LA PICCIONAIA Theater Production Center

This is the schedule of the appointments:

May 25 – Cino Zucchi – Gruaro (Venice)

June 13 – Werner Tscholl – Florence

June 14 – Gian Matteo Romegialli – Bologna

June 21 – MAP studio – Bologna

June 22 – Guicciardini & Magni Architects – Naples

October 12 – Onsitestudio – Turin

October 13 – Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli – Milan

October 18 – Stefano Pujatti / ELASTICOFarm – Catania

October 20 – Filippo Bricolo / Bricolo Falsarella – Palermo

October 26 – TAMassociati – Fiorano Modenese

October 27 – Maria Giuseppina Cannizzo – Venice

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    A special contest where 1500 international architects and planners have arrived to Venice in order to attend the event called “The culture. A company. Possible landscapes.” promoted by the producer of security doors Oikos Venezia in order to go deeper to the theme of the culture in the current production process. The amazing canvas on the wall and the ceiling of […]
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    Made in Italy Entrances
    Designed by You.

    Oikos Venezia S.r.l.

    Via della Tecnica, 6
    30020 Gruaro (VE), Italy
    Tel. (+39) 0421 7671
    Fax (+39) 0421 767222

    © 2024 Oikos. Tutti i diritti riservati / P.iva 02740570276 / Reg. Imprese 02/06/1994 / Rea VE-237501 / Capitale 790.000,00 € i.v.