29 März

NO LIMITS: an exhibition area that blends past, present and future

“The opening” – that is how Oikos Venezia called the event held on 28 March in Gruaro, at the outskirts of the lagoon city, during which NO LIMITS, the new exhibition area conceived as an open book was presented. Because it was a really true opening: the unveiling of the new Oikos image (with ribbon-cutting ceremony included!), the presentation of an additional section of the existing showroom highlighting the past, present and future of the company better than a thousand words, with its unlimited creative possibilities.

A concept that clearly emerges also from the logo created for this occasion: two circles, the past and the future, intertwined in the present, the central section, colored and highlighted because it maintains a strong connection with the history of the company origins and, at the same time, with its future evolution. An event that is part of the several activities organized by Oikos, a leading company in the production of safety doors in the high-end segment, to create communities and to communicate its distinctive features to its stakeholders. But above all, an event showing, once again, the energy through which the Venetian company strives to evolve continuously. How it keeps pace with success, within the age of deep and sudden changes in which we are living. A continuous renewal aimed at being always up-to-date, at the forefront – a feature that becomes paramount in every single aspect: its company behaviour, how it deals with the market, the structure of the production departments and, last but not least, the considerable investments in digital marketing, in training and a lot more.

The statement of Mr. Bruno Munari, a great protagonist of Italian art and design, which says “art means continuous research, assimilation of past experiences, addition of new experiences, in terms of shape, content, matter, technique, means”, exactly reflects the vision of Oikos. Such a vision is expressed through the intersection of the two circles and those three pivotal points – past, present and future – around which everything revolves.

The collection “TRACCE DI DESIGN. L’eredità di una storia tutta italiana” (DESIGN TRACES. The legacy of a true Italian story) has been entrusted with the task of celebrating the past. An exhibition of Made in Italy symbol objects, a legacy of the Italian history. A collection that is certainly not exhaustive, yet it contains traces, precisely, which are capable to provide an idea of the context involving our origins. This collection is a legacy that we must preserve. It represents a deep, sometimes unconscious, but well-imprinted bond with the present. With it, it shares several fundamental Made in Italy features, such as creativity, passion, innovation and quality. This topic was supported by the speech of the designer Paolo Lomazzi, who, relying on his experience, provided evidence of the ferment of the 60s and 70s, as well as by the speech of the architect Giorgio Giuliari, who provided an overview on Italian design.

The new NO LIMITS area was instead entrusted with dealing with the future, focusing on three key concepts. The first of which is Exploring, going beyond, overcoming the limitations, knowing, searching, recovering the past by getting to know the traditions and interpreting a new, current world, made of different needs, mixtures and contaminations. This first concept is followed by Believing, because only conviction leads to innovation, because if you believe in what you do, in what you think, you can make it happen, you can dare, innovate. And finally comes Creating, because if you believe, you can create something that didn’t exist or improve existing things.

Even before being an exhibition area, the NO LIMITS section is an example of Oikos extreme construction and customization skills. These are features that clearly emerge from the safety door models installed there, which are so different in terms of sizes, finishes and performance.

The third and last aspect, the PRESENT, becomes clear in our will to share the corporate strategies and progress with the customers. Special focus is on architects, in order to become more and more a “partner company, supporting the project” with increasingly “No Limits” solutions in Italy and abroad.

A valuable publication on the history of Italian design is the significant tribute offered at the end of the day. This is a further reminder of the theme of evolution and change, the fundamental themes of Oikos history and its way of doing business.

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    Oikos Venezia S.r.l.

    Via della Tecnica, 6
    30020 Gruaro (VE), Italy
    Tel. (+39) 0421 7671
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    © 2020 Oikos. Tutti i diritti riservati / P.iva 02740570276 / Reg. Imprese 02/06/1994 / Rea VE-237501 / Capitale 790.000,00 € i.v.