20 July

As already stated, the entrance to your home is like a business card, the first impression your guests will get. Nevertheless, there is an even preceding yet not less important moment defining the entrance frame: outdoor furniture. Whether a pathway, a covered or uncovered portico, minimal or rich in details, it is part of your home. So you’d better think well of it. So here are some ideas.

Roofs and porticos                                        

A portico has several advantages: besides offering a shelter from the rain, it protects from sunrays and limits the exposure to summer heat. During the cold seasons, exploiting the sunrays with a greenhouse/veranda capable of retaining heat and releasing it overnight is even possible.

The aesthetic possibilities are countless: wood offers as many combinations as the finishes are and can also be used as a full roofing as well as in the framework of a glazed roof; go for concrete if you want to highlight the strength and consistency of the material and the space. A draping would be helpful to protect in case of rain, or to open up to light in dimly-lit environments. Do you love cutting-edge design? Metals could do the job.


Based on the intended use and style, you can count on endless possibilities also for what concerns the floor: teak serves as an elegant yet convivial solution that allows to turn your portico into an open-air living room. Cotto with aged wood provides a nostalgic and seasoned atmosphere to your whole house; granite and marble are more refined and ever-appreciated solutions in a modern entryway.

Outdoor seating

A portico can serve either for waiting, passing by, relaxing or interacting with the outside: benches, rocking-chairs and armchairs will cheer up your outdoor time.

Wood is evergreen, whereas wrought iron may be more suitable for a nostalgic or shabby-chic look. Stone is majorly suggested for wide spaces surrounded with greenery.

Plants and flowers for your entrance

Whether you have green fingers or not, plants and flowers can be a picturesque element with countless color combinations available according to season.

Succulent or fake plants grant indeed flawless and durable staging even without much consistent attention.

Outdoor lighting

Anything but least important is lighting: chandeliers and wall-mounted lamps ensure a light source to the right spot, thus reproducing elegant atmospheres for your outdoor evenings.

Whether warm or cold, the choice is up to you as long as you make sure it is a LED light: you will experience remarkable savings, outstanding efficiency, and environmental sustainability.


You will hardly believe, but your doormat is important too.  A NO to banality, a big YES to fun and warm welcoming. And remember: beyond aesthetics, the intended purpose is always to be kept!

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