COME TO VISIT US!  8-13 April 2025, Fiera Milano, Rho – Hall 5 | Stand a05

15 September

This year too we’ll participate with our innovative products at  Architect@work,  the international fair aimed at innovations in the field of architecture and décor.

It’s an important date for architects, interior designers and planners who are interested in discovering the real news concerning their field. On 15 and 16 September we will be in Barcelona at the stand of one of our clients, Interni Barcelona, while on 24 and 25 September you will find us in Paris with our client Europrotect.

Another great opportunity to convey the quality, the innovation, the technology, the attention to aesthetics and the high safety standards of the Made in Italy Oikos security doors.

Architect@work 15 e 16 settembre a Barcellona con novità Oikos

Oikos umpteenth initiative to demonstrate its continued commitment in enhancing a direct debate with the market needs, shortening the gap between safety and aesthetics.

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    Ich möchte über Neuigkeiten und Initiativen von Oikos Venezia informiert werden

    2 Mai

    Philippe Daverio and Stefano Boeri among the speakers. Venice, 23-24 April 2018

    A special contest where 1500 international architects and planners have arrived to Venice in order to attend the event called “The culture. A company. Possible landscapes.” promoted by the producer of security doors Oikos Venezia in order to go deeper to the theme of the culture in the current production process. The amazing canvas on the wall and the ceiling of […]
    29 März

    OIKOS VENEZIA and the new showroom, the evidence of the company’s evolution.

    NO LIMITS: an exhibition area that blends past, present and future “The opening” – that is how Oikos Venezia called the event held on 28 March in Gruaro, at the outskirts of the lagoon city, during which NO LIMITS, the new exhibition area conceived as an open book was presented. Because it was a really true opening: the unveiling of […]


    Made in Italy Entrances
    Designed by You.

    Oikos Venezia S.r.l.

    Via della Tecnica, 6
    30020 Gruaro (VE), Italy
    Tel. (+39) 0421 7671
    Fax (+39) 0421 767222

    © 2024 Oikos. Tutti i diritti riservati / P.iva 02740570276 / Reg. Imprese 02/06/1994 / Rea VE-237501 / Capitale 790.000,00 € i.v.