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18 März

The doors of the OIKOS ATELIER DUBAI are officially open! The opening event of the first OIKOS VENEZIA single-brand showroom: a success. Starting March 14, in Dubai.

The entrance architectures set up in an exhibition area that combines Made in Italy, technology and design.

Last March 14, OIKOS VENEZIA opened, in Dubai, the first single-brand showroom in the company’s history: OIKOS ATELIER DUBAI. Because it is really about an atelier:

„An Atelier is a space dedicated to the artist’s craft, which is at the same time a workshop and a museum, a factory and a living room: a multi-purpose place where works of art are created but also where clients, collectors, travelers and other artists do meet. In this space, as in an Atelier, we tell you about our projects and, at the same time, we invite you to Create new possible interpretations of entrance architectures. Explore. Believe. Create.“

This is how the company, leader in the production of entrance doors in the high-end segment, defines its Atelier, the exhibition area set up in the Venetian headquarters and which has been reproduced in its essence and uniqueness inside The Opus, Dubai – one of the most recent and iconic projects by Zaha Hadid Architects, a stone’s throw from the Burj Khalifa.

During the opening of the OIKOS ATELIER DUBAI, on behalf of the architect Italo Rota, co-designer of the Italian pavilion of Expo Dubai 2020, it was the architect Roberto Bosi of the Casabella magazine who entertained the audience with a speech dedicated to the theme of the „Space of the Threshold“.

OIKOS ATELIER DUBAI tells about a place where made in Italy, technology and customization meet to provide the design tools at the service of international architects and interior designers looking for new solutions of high aesthetic impact for new impressive entrance architectures.

The dimensions of the doors increase in height, the technological component is an essential element, the study of new materials is a live theme, subject to research, among designers who wish to experiment. All this makes the space of the entrance architecture an area to be thought about and built, internally and externally, because no space more than this, has seen architecture and interior design meet and express themselves in all their potential.

A door has opened wide for Oikos in the Gulf market: from Venice to Dubai in order to fly to every corner of the world. This is the intent that animates the company’s choice to plant the Italian flag in one of the most flourishing world markets today, renewing the concept of a new Renaissance.

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    Made in Italy Entrances
    Designed by You.

    Oikos Venezia S.r.l.

    Via della Tecnica, 6
    30020 Gruaro (VE), Italy
    Tel. (+39) 0421 7671
    Fax (+39) 0421 767222

    © 2024 Oikos. Tutti i diritti riservati / P.iva 02740570276 / Reg. Imprese 02/06/1994 / Rea VE-237501 / Capitale 790.000,00 € i.v.