20 septembre, 2022

Premio Dedalo Minosse: when Architects award their Clients

Premio Dedalo Minosse: When Architects Award their Clients   Oikos is gold sponsor of the twelfth edition of the Premio Internazionale Dedalo Minosse, a prize dedicated to Architectural Commissioning, an event which, after being cancelled for three years, restarted to put the town of Vicenza in the limelight on September 16, and it will continue […]
19 juillet, 2022

Oikos Experience “Redentore”

Oikos Experience “Redentore,” the value of Culture and that of People in an inseparable pair that is not only stated but also turned into facts. The Oikos Experience “Redentore”, the exclusive event of summer 2022 that Oikos wanted to dedicate to a selection of Italian and foreign customers, has ended. A well-established format but always […]
26 mai, 2022

Series of events of architecture: Renaissance Effect

The « Renaissance Effect » series of events, sponsored by Oikos Venezia Srl in collaboration with CASABELLA formazione, kicks off on May 25. A program featuring 11 stops in as many Italian cities, which will combine two different training and meeting moments. In fact, each evening will begin with a speech by an internationally renowned guest architect, […]
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