COME TO VISIT US! Riyadh, Front Exhibition & Conference | 24 – 27 February 2025 | Stand 3D51

2 mai

A special contest where 1500 international architects and planners have arrived to Venice in order to attend the event called “The culture. A company. Possible landscapes.” promoted by the producer of security doors Oikos Venezia in order to go deeper to the theme of the culture in the current production process. The amazing canvas on the wall and the ceiling of the Chapter Room of the School have caught the eyes of the participants of the two-days seminars and conferences with guests of international importance as the architect Stefano Boeri, the art critic Philippe Daverio, the industrial designer Francesca Valan and the professor Fabrizio Panozzo of Ca’Foscari University in Venice.

In Venice, among Titian and Tintoretto’s paintings, last 23 and 24 April there has been talk of the effective and essential mixing between rationality and art, management tools and culture language. An excellent mix, able to glean from the past in order to build a more conscious and respectful future. The companies, if they cooperate and establish relationships with the world of the culture, they become more and more innovative and competitive” affirmed Fabrizio Panozzo, professor of the management department in Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. And this also happens by giving value to  those “creative” activities, not apparently productive but that, at the contrary, open our mind and create a change. A common change, an attention toward the human being, the nature and life in all its forms. All this can be shown in the Vertical Forest, a model of sustainable residential building planned in Milan by the “archistar” Stefano Boeri. Created in order to regenerate the urban ecosystem, with their 900 plants species distributed along the 8900 square meters of terraces, the Vertical Forest serves as a green lung as well as 30 thousands squared meters and it is now a habitat for birds and insects that have repopulated Milan skies.

A building complex, a work of art created for the nature and the human being, a visible example of the possible marriage of material concreteness and artistic utopia.

Even Philippe Daverio’s idea of art was visionary and passionate, an eclectic character, able to catch people potentialities according to their roots and peculiarities. Starting from the Italian people, shaped with beauty and creativity, capable of rewriting the history of the world recognizing and creating the beauty across innate qualities. Francesca Valan’s excursus about the historical language of the color in the art and in the tools of our daily life was very charming. The industrial designer specializes in foreseeing the color tendencies through a method created by herself that exploit the cyclic nature of the chromatic preferences and the duration of the cycles according to each typology of product. The color becomes an ever-changing language, a container of socio-cultural changes and future prospects. Not for nothing, according to this perspective, we have post-war pastel colors, the primary colors of the vital Pop Art of the sixties and the anonymous achromatism of the colors of the seventies.

cultural and educational event.  A special way to affirm that doing business today means having respect for the environment and knowing how to communicate with more and more worlds. The creative one first of all.

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    10 novembre


    A complété avec succès la participation de Oikos Venice 2015 édition de Batimat, tenue à Paris Nord – Villepinte 2 à 6 Novembre. A cette occasion a été présenté Arckey, le nouveau contrôle d’accès intégré à ouverture électronique par APP, qui a suscité un intérêt considérable et curiosité par les visiteurs. Avec le nouveau système d’accès intégré, vous pouvez maintenant ouvrir […]
    29 mars

    OIKOS VENEZIA and the new showroom, the evidence of the company’s evolution.

    NO LIMITS: an exhibition area that blends past, present and future “The opening” – that is how Oikos Venezia called the event held on 28 March in Gruaro, at the outskirts of the lagoon city, during which NO LIMITS, the new exhibition area conceived as an open book was presented. Because it was a really true opening: the unveiling of […]