12 novembre

Dedalo Minosse International Prize: a collaboration of Architect & Client
WHERE: Online Conference
WHEN: November 12, 2020, 10:00 am (PST)

The San Francisco AIA hosts once again the Dedalo Minosse Prize with an online event that will ideally connect Italy with the United States and Brazil.

Join us as we launch the eponymous virtual exhibition and discuss the Dedalo Minosse International Prize and the decades-long partnership between the American Institute of Architects/San Francisco (AIASF) and ALA – Assoarchitetti. The global roster of presenters will explore its historical context, selection process, retrospective of past winners, the significance of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize and will include a special presentation of the Regione Veneto Special Prize and the Dedalo Minosse Under 40 Prize.

The event is sponsored by OIKOS.

Information about the exhibition will be circulated on the day of this program.

Moderator: William Higgins, FAIA, SmithGroup

Stacy Williams / Executive Director of AIA San Francisco
Marcella Gabbiani / Director of Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Miguel Quismondo, AIA Principal of MQ Architecture / NYC
Matteo Arnone and Josep Pons Atelier / Partners of Branco Arquitectura / Brazil

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