23 mai, 2023

The Portal by Branko Office for Architecture wins the DoorScape | The Space beyond the Threshold contest

« The Portal » by Branko Office for Architecture wins the DoorScape | The Space beyond the Threshold contest and opens the exhibition of the same name initiated by Oikos Venezia and Fondazione Querini Stampalia The Albanian firm won the contest, conceived to reflect on the architecture of the entrance space, with a design that convinced the […]
06 avril, 2023

Selected the ten finalists for DoorScape International Competition

Projects selected for DoorScape, the exhibition resulting from the international contest created by Oikos Venezia and the Querini Stampalia Foundation The winner of the contest, created to meditate on the concept of architecture of the entrance space, will be announced in May, at the opening of the exhibition that will feature the top ten projects […]
27 février, 2023

Florida Product Approval HVHZ Certification

Oikos Venezia entrance doors combine aesthetics and advanced technology to offer state-of-the-art entrance solutions at all times. However, the technical performance of the entrance spaces that provide safety and durability to the safety door and, more generally, to the entire house in which it is installed should certainly not be forgotten. Oikos has always paid […]
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