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22 marzo

The first edition of doorscape is about to start, the International Architecture Contest  created by Oikos Venezia and the Querini Stampalia Foundation.

Venice, March 22, 2022. Oikos Venezia, a leading Venetian company in the planning and design of high-end entrance doors, and the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice, announce the first edition of DoorScape, an international contest created to support and disseminate the architectural culture of the entrance space with the involvement, as partner companies, of Adler, Iseo and Laminam.

The DoorScape contest, for which it is possible to register until January 15, 2023, on the website, is the outcome from a long consideration on the architectural space of the entrance in its many meanings, functions and connections. Often, this area is the same one in which the threshold plays a key role, both in creating a passageway and in protecting the environment to which this area leads. This consideration refers to a space that involves different domains, takes on different roles, draws from the sphere of functions, and includes stories of symbols. For this first edition, conceived by Oikos Venezia together with the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice, participants are requested to deal with these themes.

The requested project has to consider an entrance space capable of expressing the dialogue between the function of access to a place, in its different cultural, functional and formal aspects, and that of protection of the accessed environment.

The winner will be awarded with a prize in money worth 10,000.00 € and the project will be exhibited, together with the other finalists, in the area created by Carlo Scarpa at the Querini Stampalia Foundation during 2023, on the occasion of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale that takes place in Venice. 

The contest was conceived joining the efforts of the two promoters. Oikos Venezia is a company with decades of experience in the relationship with architectural culture and has always paid great attention to multidisciplinarity, considered a source of nourishment and growth. On the other hand, the Querini Stampalia Foundation with OpificioQuerini, the innovative corporate membership project started in 2020, enters into a relationship with companies and works with them on projects for the creation of a new and common vision of the future. To date there are nine partnering companies, including Oikos Venezia itself, and one ambassador, the Firm AMDL Circle, led by Michele De Lucchi.

The jury

The participants works will be evaluated and receive an award upon decision by an international jury of top experts in the field. High-profile professionals from several fields, as the contest requires.

The jury is chaired by Michele De Lucchi & AMDL Circle: a professional and an architectural firm embodying the idea of contamination of knowledge.

The other members of the jury: Donatella Calabi, urban historian; Alessandra Chemollo photographer; Emanuele Coccia philosopher; Luciano Giubbilei landscape and garden designer; and Eugenia Morpurgo researcher designer. Having the possibility to rely on the presence of professionals who ponder the spaces in a complementary way, the jury reflects the character of the entire initiative and the criteria for the project selection. The content of each contest project, besides demonstrating the appropriate technical skills, should not overlook the cultural aim that the entire operation pursues, as well as the specializations of the different members of the jury.

The exhibit

The award consists in the realization of a model of the entrance architecture of the winning project and in its exhibition, together with the best ten finalist projects, within the framework of an exhibit set up in the spaces of the area designed by Carlo Scarpa of the Querini Stampalia Foundation for the entire duration of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale of Venice in 2023.

The exhibit was strongly supported to show the outcome of this initiative and offer an opportunity to spread the culture of architecture, strengthened by the collaboration between the Foundation itself and the business world, led by Oikos Venezia, followed by Adler, Iseo, and Laminam, as partners. The exhibition space was a natural consequence of the fact that the Querini Stampalia Foundation hosts several initiatives at international level, as well as of the fact that the area designed by Carlo Scarpa is suitable by its very nature to an in-depth examination of the concepts of space, entrance and threshold.

Terms and regulations

The contest is open to architects, engineers, designers, creatives and architecture students who can submit projects by the set deadline, i.e., within and not later than January 15, 2023. Taking part in the contest is free of charge and the preferential titles are a degree in architecture and having practiced the profession.

The project must concern the space that precedes and follows the access to the inhabited place, responding to two fundamental parameters: the entrance architecture shall be part of a single-family or multi-family residential building; the project shall cover a maximum area of 300 square meters (20 linear meters x 15 linear meters of side), with a maximum height of 10 linear meters, including, with reference to the main entrance, both an internal and an external space, whereby the largest space shall not exceed 2/3 of the whole area.

The full version of the notice and specifications can be downloaded from the website, where there are all the news about the participation, the jury, the promoting companies, and the partnerships.


Oikos Venezia has been designing and manufacturing entrance doors in its headquarters in Gruaro, Venice, for over 30 years. The company combines artisan skills with industrial organization, encouraging the creation of unique and innovative products, being the result of a continuous and fruitful research that draws from the tradition, as well as from artistic expressions in the broadest sense of this term. Acting as a leader at worldwide level, Oikos has contributed to the enhancement of the space dedicated to entrances in the field of architecture


The Querini Stampalia Foundation is a unique reality in Venice that attracts visitors and scholars from all over the world. The great architectural interventions of the twentieth century blend into the sixteenth-century building, interacting with the museum collections. The Foundation, active since 1869, pursues its mission of enhancing and disseminating culture, arts and sciences, combining traditional methods, such as the well-stocked library, to contemporary ones, such as through collaboration projects with the business world, where the institution and the company work together.


ADLER is a family-owned company established in 1934 that today employs 670 people. It is the Austrian leading manufacturer of wood varnishes, paints, and protective coatings, and is a partner to many prestigious woodworking companies. ADLER supplies its customers every year, distributing around 22,000 tons of paints and varnishes in more than 30 countries worldwide. The collaboration between ADLER and Oikos Venezia has been established for over 25 years.


ISEO has been the leading Italian multinational company in the security and access control sector for over 50 years, with headquarters in Pisogne (Brescia). It employs over 1,200 people worldwide and operates through 13 companies, with which it develops, manufactures and markets its products and solutions in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, South Africa and South America. Today ISEO experiments the meaning of security through an innovative key, through the concept of Ultimate Access Technologies To Unlock Your Freedom To Move


Laminam was established in the early 2000s, following the invention of production technologies for ultra-thin ceramic surfaces capable of supporting large dimensions. An active participant in changing the ceramics market, today Laminam produces and offers a range of eclectic and versatile large ceramic surfaces, used in traditional architectural projects and in the most advanced research ones in the field of furnishings and design.

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