COME TO VISIT US!  8-13 April 2025, Fiera Milano, Rho – Hall 5 | Stand a05

25 noviembre

In these months of the end of the year we are warming up the engines to open the doors to a 2022 full of initiatives and important news that will concern us closely but that will involve strategic partners for us, thanks to a synergy that becomes today the winning ingredient to enhance the capabilities of a country system that can and must go further.

This is the reason why, together with the Fondazione Querini Stampalia, we met during these days of November, to start a debate that will take us inside a Space to be discovered, the one beyond the Threshold!

What is the threshold? a lived-in place or just a fleeting area of transit?
What meanings do we attribute to this particular environment in our daily lives and more generally in architecture?
Can the architectural space of the entrance be a cultural connotation of a society, a tradition, or a historical moment?

We tried to answer to these and other suggestions with Donatella Calabi, IUAV professor, Nicholas Bewick of Michele De Lucchi & AMDL Circle, and Matteo Tora Cellini of CamerAnebbia during the talk «Lo Spazio oltre la Soglia» (The Space Beyond the Threshold).

The event was a precursor of DoorScape, an international competition for entrance architecture promoted by Oikos Venezia and Fondazione Querini Stampalia, in collaboration with ADLER, ISEO and LAMINAM, which will be launched in early 2022.

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    Quiero estar al día de las noticias e iniciativas de Oikos Venezia

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    OIKOS VENEZIA and the new showroom, the evidence of the company’s evolution.

    NO LIMITS: an exhibition area that blends past, present and future “The opening” – that is how Oikos Venezia called the event held on 28 March in Gruaro, at the outskirts of the lagoon city, during which NO LIMITS, the new exhibition area conceived as an open book was presented. Because it was a really true opening: the unveiling of […]
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    Philippe Daverio and Stefano Boeri among the speakers. Venice, 23-24 April 2018

    A special contest where 1500 international architects and planners have arrived to Venice in order to attend the event called “The culture. A company. Possible landscapes.” promoted by the producer of security doors Oikos Venezia in order to go deeper to the theme of the culture in the current production process. The amazing canvas on the wall and the ceiling of […]


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