10 mayo

On May 28, the stage will be set for the official launch of ‘Osteria dell’Architetto. Cultura del saper fare’ (Architect’s Bistro. Cultural know-how) the format promoted by Oikos Venezia in collaboration with Casabella Formazione.


The cycle of meetings will take place across 15 stages in the best Italian wine cellars, constituting authentic icons of architecture and design, passing through 12 regions and conclude at the Oikos Venice headquarters.

Each event will be linked by a common thread – ‘cultural know-how’ – a concept that reflects the excellence, tradition and beauty that characterize Italian craftsmanship and industry.

This innovative formula aims to establish an open dialog with participants within a friendly and welcoming environment. The experience will be complemented by a tasting of local wines and products.
Each evening will feature an internationally renowned guest architect.

What we mean by the ‘Cultural know-how’ 

Italian know-how is synonymous with quality, the result of centuries of refinement and attention to detail, and is reflected in many sectors, from fashion to engineering, from gastronomy to design.It has its roots in a rich history, where ancient crafts and artisan techniques are handed down from generation to generation, preserving a unique cultural heritage.

Aesthetics is a key element of this. Italian products are not only functional but also beautiful, often inspired by Renaissance splendor and shaped by a culture thousands of years old.
Despite strong ties to tradition, Italian know-how is also synonymous with innovation. Italian companies are known for their ability to integrate new technologies and creative ideas while respecting tradition.


The topics covered during the evenings

Four themes will be developed in each of the stages through the accounts of our distinguished guests:

  1. The culture of Italian know-how: a heritage of inestimable value, which has been brought to us through craftsmanship and ancient trades handed down from generation to generation;
  2. Architecture and space: the art of shaping places and transforming spaces by telling stories and defining experiences;
  3. The taste of excellence: the importance of food and wine, the cornerstones of Italian tradition and living;
  4. High-value entrepreneurship: success stories and innovation that inspire and guide the future of our country.


The schedule

This is the schedule for each evening:

7:00 p.m. – Welcoming guests

7:30 p.m. – Presentation of the Osteria dell’Architetto

7:45 p.m. – Food and wine tasting of local products

8:15 p.m. – Speakers “The culture of Italian know-how” and “The taste of excellence”

8:45 p.m. – Food and wine tasting of local products

9:15 p.m. – Speakers “Architecture and Space” and “High-value entrepreneurship”

9:45 p.m. – Food and wine tasting of local products

10:15 p.m. – Farewells

La cultura del saper fare

The stages

The first date for this project, will be held on May 28 at the Convento dell’Annunciata in Franciacorta (BS), an evening where Map Studio, an international agency for architecture, urban planning and design, will be present as a guest.

All the dates are listed below:

May 28, Franciacorta (BS), Convento dell’Annunciata in Franciacorta with MAP studio
May 29, Montevecchia (LC), Ceresé Winery, with Studiopizzi

June 03, Treviso (TV), Pizzolato Winery with MADE associati
June 04, Custoza (VR), Gorgo Winery with Bricolo Falsarella

Emilia Romagna
June 10, Imola (BO), Palazzo Tozzoni with Bergmeisterwolf

June 11, La Morra (CN), Cordero di Montezemolo with Stefano Pujatti

Alto Adige
June 12, Nalles (BZ), Nals Margreid with Markus Scherer

June 17, Cormignano (PO), Artimino Estate with Werner Tscholl

June 18, Miralduolo di Torgiano (PG), Terre Margaritelli with Alvisi Kirimoto

the Marches
June 19, Ostra Vetere (AN), Villa Bucci with MAP studio – Andrea Oliva Architetto

September 10, Rome (RM), Principe Alberico Estate with Labics

September 11, Avellino (AV), Feudi di San Gregorio with Zitomori

September 12, Corato (BA), Torrevento with Onsitestudio

September 17, Castiglione di Sicilia (CT), with ACA Amore Campione Architettura
September 19, Palermo (PA), Palazzo Butera with Gianmatteo Romegialli

October 04, Gruaro (VE), Oikos Venice, Concluding Event

Participation in the event is free of charge, reserved exclusively for an audience of architects, and entitles participants to 2 CFPs (professional training certificate), with mandatory registration at proviaggiarchitettura.com/calendario/.

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